Are your students all expert researchers?
Ours are not and I think teaching students about information literacy is more important than ever. They need skills such as:
- Brainstorming keywords
- Searching effectively
- Evaluating sources
- Using information ethically/legally including citing sources
These are valuable skills for career and life, as well as education.
Kahoot is my current favorite tool! Better learning and more fun? I am in!
It is free and easy to get started. It adds interaction and engagement to the workshop. And the students like it!
Kahoot gives you the resulting data so you could use it for assessment. Of course, it is great to see what the students do not seem to understand so that you can improve your teaching.
You can use it for any subject and any age. You can create your own or use one from the library. They designed it based on research.
I have been creating quick Quiz review games, but there are more options to explore. They also have these format choices: Discussion, Jumble and Survey. And you can use Kahoot for homework.
I am not the only librarian excited about Kahoot. Check out this poster session: Giving a Kahoot about Assessment in the Classroom.
You can do it too! Get started at kahoot .com.