It is that time again. Here are my favorite sessions from Rootstech 2023 . . .
Diahan Southard did a great job with these three sessions:
- Should I take a DNA test elsewhere? Or at all? – Really good information for everyone!
- My Messy Complicated Birth Roots Story – Very good session showing how complicated this work can be.
- Shared DNA Matches – the only DNA Tool You will Ever Need – Really good ideas if you are confused or have lost interest in your DNA results.
I also enjoyed these sessions:
- Reconstruct Your Ancestor’s Lives with Google – I knew a lot about Google tools already, but I learned some things!
- Are You Your Own Brick Wall? Common Genealogical Mistakes and How to Overcome Them – A nice overview of places where we trip ourselves up.

Many of the recordings are still available for free with your FamilySearch login.