Here is my current knowledge of this part of the family . . . I can’t say that everything is perfectly verified from primary sources yet, but this is a good start and a good basis for further research.
John and Dena and all their children are a bit confusing. John was married before Dena, to Cornelia and they had a son. Dena had a child before she was married, then she married Sam Bird and had 3 children, then she married John and they had 10 children. On to the ancestors and the timeline of events that are documented . . .

1803 – Teunis born (WieWasWie)
1830 – Teunis married Elizabeth (WieWasWie)
1845 – John born (naturalization papers)
1847 – Dena born (1900 census)
1873 – John came to the US (naturalization papers)
1880 – Ubbe & Myka and John & Dena are in Turner SD (census)
1882 – Renie born (death certificate)
1883 – Teunis died (WieWasWie)
1885 – Ubbe & Myka are in Turner SD (census)
1885 – John & Dena in Minneapolis MN (census)
1895 – John & Dena in Minneapolis MN (census)
1900 – John & Dena in Turtle Lake WI (census)
1905 – John & Dena in Turtle Lake WI (census)
1909 – John is a US citizen (naturalization papers)
1910 – John & Dena in Turtle Lake WI (census)
1911 – John gets a land patent in WI (BLM database)
1913 – Renie and Melena married (marriage certificate)
1918 – Renie drafted in WWI (draft card)
1918 – John died (Marvin Iwerks’ books,
1920 – Renie and Melena in Turtle Lake WI (census)
1920 – Dena with daughter Lena in Clayton WI (census)
1930 – Renie and Melena in Turtle Lake WI (census)
1939 – Dena died (Marvin Iwerks’ books,
1961 – Renie died (death certificate)
- Thanks to cousin Jim for the helpful information!
- WieWasWie
- Iwwerks-Iwerks: A Family History (vol 1 from 1996)
- The Iwerks Family in America: A History and Genealogy (vol 2 from 1998)
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