Spoiler alert – don’t read this if you haven’t already watched the show!
I am highly amused by the the jumble of different characters from different realms on the TV show, Once Upon a Time. And especially the relationships. And being the genealogy geek that I am, I had to draw their family tree.
It is a funny family tree. You might say it is a bit non-traditional. First, the basics in a traditional chart:

But that is missing some of the juicy complexity! Let’s get more of the details in there:
A few comments . . .
- The Evil Queen is stepmother to Snow White & adoptive mother to Henry, who is Snow White’s grandson. That’s complicated.
- Captain Hook stole Rumplestiltskin’s wife (& Rumple took his hand). Hook also loves Snow White’s daughter, Emma, who happens to be mother to Rumple’s grandson. That is tricky.
(And the Wizard of Oz also asked Emma to marry him. hee hee.) - Peter Pan is Rumple’s dad!? And Baelfire loves the Darlings, they are his adoptive family, he feels they are his real family.
- The Wicked Witch of the West from Oz is half sister to the Evil Queen & their mother could spin straw into gold (Miller’s Daughter) & also was the Queen of Hearts from Wonderland. Yowza.
Hmmm, now if only I could convey the different realms & time periods on this chart . . .